Internet of Things System Penetration Threats











Internet of Things System Penetration Threats








Table of Contents


1.1 Background of the Problem.. 3

1.2 Problem Statement. 5

1.3 Objectives. 6

1.3.1 Specific objectives. 6

1.4 Importance of the Study. 6

1.5 Scope of the Study. 7

1.6 Definition of Terms. 7

1.7 Chapter Summary. 8

References. 9




This section introduces the Internet of Things and vulnerabilities in intelligent objects or IoT devices. In the global era, the Internet of Things is the most present technology that allows physical objects to communicate with one another via software and networking networks. The rapid growth and adaptability of the Internet of Things have led to the exposure of cybercrimes and weaknesses to IoT objects and devices. In addressing threats and vulnerabilities, ways of mitigating IoT systems vulnerabilities, and lastly, ways organizations can enhance their IoT: systems, this chapter highlights the background of the study, problem statement, objectives, the importance of the study, the scope of this study, the definition of terms used, and finally the chapter summary.


1.1 Background of the Problem

In the Internet of Things era, technology is an essential tool in our daily lives and any present organization. Currently, an organization relies on emerging technologies that enhance customers' demand and change how humans interact and develop social participation when deployed. These technologies include the Internet of Things (IoT), which advances the manufacturing and competitiveness of firms while creating a new environment to be studied and bringing new business, and further creating job opportunities.

In the current study, the Internet of Things is reported to be one of the vast advancing domains of technology. This notion of the Internet of Things has found application in a broad range of approaches, including smart homes, smart cities, corporate systems, and sensor networks (Sendorek et al., 2018). Companies are adopting this technology daily to advance their basic functionalities and duties. This application leads organizations to rely on IoT systems to track customers' demand and their data, track their historical relationship with the company, and plan and control organizations using IoT systems. However, the application of IoT networks has brought significant negative consequences in the increased cyber threats and establishing vulnerabilities that expose millions of data to cybercriminals.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary technology enabling ground-breaking experiences in modern organizations and our everyday lives. Due to the fast-changing environment and the phenomenally expanding technological advancement, a thorough grasp of the Internet of Things (IoT) consequences from a business and management viewpoint is required (Delgosha et al., 2021). The present study uses an analytical descriptive research methodology to represent and interpret the investigative thematic framework of IoT literature in business and management, with a particular focus on the business system, in presenting and explaining the literature in this area.

On the hand, most organizations (be it even individuals) experiencing cyber-attacks hide and do not make it public in most scenarios. For example, a fear of being judged or worrying about losing clients and stakeholders for the organization might be behind this (Khorshed et al., 2012). A connection between this and the fast expansion of the Internet of Things devices and IoT systems by both the company and its customers. It has also contributed to the elements that function as roadblocks to reducing IoT security concerns. In December 2016, it was estimated that the Internet of Things (IoT) will have 35.82 billion active users, with a total installed base of 75.44 billion devices expected by 2025, according to estimates (Khan & Din, 2021). Therefore, IoT system technology has the probability of expanding, improving livelihood and saving time in organizations' data processing. Further, even though the Internet of Things is being utilized in every part of the globe by most organizations, it is plagued by plenty of security vulnerabilities and threats.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) technology continues to spread worldwide, so makes its connection. Many organizations are presently connected with the Internet of Things technologies, when before they were independent. Incorporating IoT technology into an organization's system has numerous advantages, including cost-effective operations, improved customer service and engagement, improved process monitoring, sustainable use of resources and assets, better working safety, and improvement in marketing management, to name a few (Sendorek et al., 2018). Furthermore, by linking organization IoT devices outside the corporate environment, stakeholders and customers may keep track of the firm's development and provide suggestions.

Unfortunately, interconnectivity leads to the creation of new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity aims to protect computer networks and the information contained inside them against unauthorized access and unintentional or purposeful interruption (Essien & Ekaiko, 2022). There has been rising awareness that cybersecurity on emerging IoT technologies has been unsatisfactory in recent years, leading to the loss of confidentiality and data integrity. Usually, cyberattacks in organizations have been a subject of concern since the inception of the Internet of Things system.

In contrast, the interconnectivity of today's intelligent devices and systems lays the groundwork for the creation of potential access gateways, such as remote access to organization data, the ability to steal data without being detected, and view to a much more comprehensive organization's information, thereby offering extra inventive data for a future attack. When data was previously accessible only through paper documents and stolen laptops or storage devices, a breach of privacy could have revealed hundreds or even thousands of organizations' records to a potential cybercriminal. Still, now that all data is digital and accessible through the Internet of Things, an invasion of privacy can threaten millions (Sarker et al., 2022). Further, firms that employ Internet of Things technologies and store celebrity data are more often targeted by cyber attackers and more vulnerable to data breaches.

In addition, the high rise of the Internet of Things cyber threats to organization linking has drawn attention to cybersecurity. The study's finding suggests the rise of the Internet of Things threats is due to vulnerabilities discovered in the IoT systems. Therefore, with the survey on IoT system penetration testing, the research plan is to conduct an in-depth study of these threats and develop techniques organizations could deploy to reduce the current threats. Finally, the research-validated the current IoT system to implement the best mitigating ways to reduce cyberattacks.


1.2 Problem Statement

Previously, the Internet of Things (IoT) was described as the link between objects in the physical world and those in the virtual world, allowing for any time, everywhere connectivity for any device and not just for anybody. To put it another way, the Internet of Things refers to a cosmos in which physical items and persons and digitalized data and the surrounding environment are all interconnected to one another in the same place and time (Raj et al., 2022). The present and predicted developments in technology due to the convergence of IoT technology are impressive, and they have already had a substantial influence on a wide range of facets of everyday life. A vast number of organizations and other industries have come to rely on Internet of Things technology to run their operations. It is becoming more conceivable to say that everything in today's world is dependent on the Internet of Things at an alarming rate today. Large-scale transformations have occurred in businesses and organizations due to this technology's rapid expansion and accessibility at ever-lower costs.

According to prior research, an increase in Internet of Things (IoT) technological connections is contributing to increased cyber dangers (Raimundo & Rosário, 2022). As a result of increased use, there is increased vulnerability. There is a higher level of vulnerability as a consequence of greater use. With the growth of the Internet of Things, criminals now can commit offences from the comfort of their own homes using intelligent gadgets. The number of individuals who own smart devices continues to rise as the Internet of Things technology spreads around the world, increasing the number of people who might become victims of IoT security concerns in the future.

Another issue brought to light in the literature is the interconnection of different objects. According to a study by Sokolov et al. (2020)research on IoT Security: Threats, Risks, Attacks, they explain the number of devices linked to the network has surpassed the number of individuals who are using the new technology, and security is the most susceptible aspect of the Internet of Things system. As the authors explain, cybercriminals may target at least one employee in an organization who has a smart device in their possession (Sokolov et al., 2020). Since it is a valid scholarly statement, it is vital to develop a method for organizations to strengthen their IoT systems to minimize penetration risks.


1.3 Objectives

Ultimately, this study aims to identify several methods by which a company might strengthen its Internet of Things system to minimize penetration risks and propose a testbed for Internet of Things systems that will allow for end-to-end testing.

1.3.1 Specific objectives

1)      What are IoT threats and vulnerabilities?

2)      How can organizations improve their IoT system to avoid penetration threats?

3)      Which are the best ways of mitigating or approaching vulnerabilities such as phishing?

4)      Propose a testbed for Internet of Things systems that will allow for end-to-end testing.

5)      To validate the cyber threats issues facing the current Internet of Things system

1.4 Importance of the Study

Specifically, the purpose of this research was to determine the nature and characteristics of penetration hazards in the Internet of Things systems and what they were and how they operated. Its primary goal was to identify and analyze new cyber risks and vulnerabilities that might affect IoT devices deployed by enterprises, further propose a testbed for Internet of Things systems that will allow for end-to-end testing.. A secondary goal was to devise solutions to and verify security concerns associated with the Internet of Things in organizational systems. The mitigation methods proposed by the research are targeted primarily at decreasing vulnerabilities in the present Internet of Things system that enterprises are using in their networks. The goal was to combat and limit the number of cyber-attacks that cybercriminals subjected to enterprises. The emphasis of the research is on a single topic area in the world that has been previously addressed by academics, namely the vastly expanding Internet of Things technology and cyber security. Furthermore, this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the Internet of Things and cyber security by identifying areas of the knowledge gap that may be addressed in future research. The study will thus give a better understanding of essential concerns related to cyber security in organizations' IoT systems, which will allow control infiltration risks to be detected and controlled.


1.5 Scope of the Study

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a widely utilized technology in various settings throughout the world, including companies, households, roadways, the agricultural sector, hospitals, governmental offices, intelligent gadgets, and others. Because of the rapid development of new technologies, the scope of this study was confined to the Internet of Things (IoT) systems in enterprises. The descriptive technique was used in this investigation. The questionnaires were created to address the precise questions posed by the study's goals. This research was conducted between March and April of 2022.


1.6 Definition of Terms


Breach - Computer data, apps, networks, or devices have been accessed without authorization due to an organization's data being compromised.

Cybercrime - is the commission of a crime via digital technology such as computers and the internet.

Penetration threats - The employment of a distribution mechanism to transmit a malicious program to the target host, such as a Trojan horse or remote control software.

IoT (Internet of Things) - the link between objects in the physical world and those in the virtual world, allowing for any time, everywhere connectivity for any device, and not just for anybody


1.7 Chapter Summary


The opening part presents the study review on Internet of Things technology and security issues confronting organization IoT systems. It also indicates the study target that the research intends to attain and its value. This chapter further covers how data is acquired in the study scope section.






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